46 articles found

SCOT Conference

Today members of the OSC are attending the SCOT Conference here in St Andrews, organised by the Scottish OPTICA chapters. SCOT | Scottish Conference in Optical Technologies | St Andrews (scotconference.org)

Peter completes his viva

Congratulations to Dr Peter Brown on completing his PhD viva! We are all very proud of him, especially his supervisors Prof Eli Zysman-Colman and Prof Ifor Samuel. Thanks also to external examiner Prof Ardalan Armin.

Top downloaded article

Congratulations to Sen, Abhishek, Kou and Junyi on their recent OLED materials work being one of the most cited papers in Angewandte Chemie. https://doi.org/10.1002/anie.202213697

MATSUS conference 2024

Whilst in Barcelona, Ifor presented work showing that organic solar cells can harvest both power and data at the MATSUS conference organized by nanoGe.

Meeting group alumni

Ifor was pleased to meet former group member Guy Whitworth for dinner in Barcelona.  Guy has been working at ICFO, a leading optics institute, following his PhD in St Andrews and returns to the UK on a fellowship…

New project students

We are once again delighted that students from the school of Physics and Astronomy are joining us for their final year projects. We have five students this year who will be researching a range of topics from “photon…